
TitleOceanCanada ContributorsDatecategories_hfilterocp_contributor_hfilter
Interactions between finfish aquaculture and American lobster in Atlantic Canada, , May 16, 2021atlantic publicationslotze-hk milewski-i smith-r
The implementation gap in Canadian fishery policy: Fisheries rebuilding and sustainability at risk, April 8, 2021atlantic publicationsmciver-r rangeley-r
Canada and Transboundary Fisheries Management in Changing Oceans: Taking Stock, Future Scenarios, , , , , December 1, 2020national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl engler-c koubrak-o palacios-abrantes-j sumaila-ur vanderzwaag-d
The COVID-19 Pandemic, Small-Scale Fisheries and Coastal Fishing Communities, , May 22, 2020pacific publicationsban-nc belhabib-d bennett-nj
Bridging the Knowledge Ocean: A Design Study of Knowledge Translation for the OceanCanada Initiative, , , May 19, 2020publicationsdelun-chun francis-nguyen marina-botnaru rodrigo-dos-santos
Estimating Global Catches of Marine Recreational Fisheries, April 15, 2020national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbelhabib-d teh-lsl
Illicit trade in marine fish catch and its effects on ecosystems and people worldwideFebruary 26, 2020national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Closing the high seas to fisheries: Possible impacts on aquaculture, February 14, 2020national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscashion-t sumaila-ur
Projecting global mariculture diversity under climate changeFebruary 10, 2020national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Subsidizing extinction?January 24, 2020national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Supporting early career researchers: insights from interdisciplinary marine scientists, , , , , , , , , January 14, 2020arctic atlantic national-data-and-integrated-scenarios pacific publicationsandrews-e blythe-j cashion-t eger-s harper-s hoover-c newell-sl palacios-abrantes-j talloni-alvarez-n whitney-ck
Input versus output controls as instruments for fisheries management with a focus on Mediterranean fisheriesJanuary 11, 2020national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Escaping the perfect storm of simultaneous climate change impacts on agriculture and marine fisheriesNovember 27, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Conservation, contraception and controversy: Supporting human rights to enable sustainable fisheries in MadagascarNovember 8, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economy, , , , , , October 14, 2019pacific publicationsbennett-nj cisneros-montemayor-a harper-s silver-jj sumaila-ur talloni-alvarez-n teh-lcl
Ecosystem-based management can contribute to cooperation in transboundary fisheries: The case of pacific sardine, October 11, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscisneros-montemayor-a sumaila-ur
Updated estimates and analysis of global fisheries subsidiesSeptember 26, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Busting myths that hinder an agreement to end harmful fisheries subsidies., September 26, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscisneros-montemayor-a sumaila-ur
Using harmonized historical catch data to infer the expansion of global tuna fisheries, September 21, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscashion-t cisneros-montemayor-a
The Thriving Coastal Communities Initiative, , , , September 5, 2019pacific publicationsban-nc bennett-nj harper-s pinkerton-e whitney-ck
The potential for locally managed marine area (LMMAs) as a participatory strategy for coastal and marine ecosystems – the global commons, , August 19, 2019arctic publicationsdoubleday-n nagabhatla-n newell-sl
Eight urgent, fundamental and simultaneous steps needed to restore ocean health, and the consequences for humanity and the planet of inaction or delayJuly 23, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
No fear of bankruptcy: the innate self-subsidizing forces in recreational fishingJuly 10, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Fisheries subsidies wreck ecosystems, don’t bring them backJuly 2, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Ecological connectivity between the areas beyond national jurisdiction and coastal waters: safeguarding interests of coastal communities in developing countries.June 28, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Well-being outcomes of marine protected areas., June 19, 2019pacific publicationsban-nc whitney-ck
Sustainable aquaculture in Canada: Lost in translation, June 12, 2019atlantic publicationsmilewski-i smith-r
A review of the fate of southern British Columbia coho salmon over time., May 3, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsgibson-d sumaila-ur
Culture as vector: agency for social-ecological systems change.April 17, 2019arctic publicationsdoubleday-n
A vision for documenting and sharing knowledge in conservation.April 12, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbelhabib-d
Impacts of the changing ocean-sea ice system on the key forage fish Arctic cod (Boreogadus Saida) and subsistence fisheries in the Western Canadian Arctic: evaluating linked climate, ecosystem and economic (CEE) models., , April 11, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl cisneros-montemayor-a steiner-n
Disaster-risk, water security challenges and strategies in Small Island Developing States (SIDS).April 9, 2019atlantic publicationsgheuens-j
A network perspective on spatially clustered territorial use rights for fishers (TURF) zones., April 9, 2019atlantic publicationsandrachuk-m armitage-d
Fishery subsidies: the interaction between science and policy.March 26, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Climate change impact on Canada’s Pacific marine ecosystem: the current state of knowledge., , March 16, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur talloni-alvarez-n
Local support for conservation is associated with perceptions of good governance, social impacts, and ecological effectivenessMarch 12, 2019pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Climate change: impact on marine ecosystems and world fisheries.March 6, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
A modelling approach to assess the impact of land mining on marine biodiversity: assessment in coastal catchments experiencing catastrophic events (SW Brazil).March 6, 2019pacific publicationsban-nc
Fishing-effort response dynamics in fisheries for short-lived invertebrates.March 6, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
The fisheries of Africa: exploitation, policy, and maritime security trends., March 1, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbelhabib-d sumaila-ur
Distributional impacts of fisheries subsidies and their reform: case studies from Senegal and Vietnam, March 1, 2019pacific publicationsharper-s sumaila-ur
Climate Atlas of Canada: listening to the landscape of the future.March 1, 2019knowledge-mobilization publicationsmauro-i
Benefits of the Paris Agreement to ocean life, economies, and people, , , , February 27, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbailey-m cheung-wwl cisneros-montemayor-a sumaila-ur tai-tc
A carding system as an approach to increasing the economic risk of engaging in IUU fishing?February 19, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Reconciling social justice and ecosystem-based management in the wake of a successful predator reintroduction.February 1, 2019pacific publicationspinkerton-e
Threats and vision for the conservation of Galápagos birds.January 31, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsalava-jj
Insights on fostering the emergence of robust conservation actions from Zimbabwe’s CAMPFIRE program.January 29, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsban-nc
Marine social science for the peopled seas.January 24, 2019pacific publicationsbennett-nj
National contributions to global ecosystem values.January 22, 2019pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Illicit trade in the marine resources of West AfricaJanuary 14, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
In political seas: engaging with political ecology in the ocean and coastal environmentJanuary 12, 2019pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Synergies on the coast: challenges facing shellfish aquaculture development on the central and north coast of British Columbia.January 11, 2019pacific publicationsban-nc
Just transactions, just transitions: Towards truly sustainable fisheries in British ColumbiaJanuary 9, 2019pacific publicationsecotrust
Expanding the role of social science in conservation through an engagement with philosophy, methodology, and methods.January 8, 2019pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Economic potential of the Brazilian marine recreational fishery.January 1, 2019national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Comparative valuation of fisheries in Asian Large Marine Ecosystems with emphasis on the East China Sea and South China Sea LMEs.December 28, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Unraveling the blue paradox: incomplete analysis yields incorrect conclusions about Phoenix Islands Protected Area closure. , December 17, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsota-y sumaila-ur
Establishing company level fishing revenue and profit losses from fisheries: A bottom-up approach, , November 26, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbelhabib-d cashion-t sumaila-ur
Network governance of land-sea social-ecological systems in the Lesser Antilles.November 17, 2018atlantic publicationsarmitage-d
Modern slavery and the race to fish.November 7, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Impacts of anthropogenic and natural “extreme events” on global fisheriesNovember 6, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbelhabib-d
Role of communities in fisheries management: “one would first need to imagine it.”, November 6, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsberkes-f nayak-pk
Estimating fishers’ net income in small-scale fisheries: minimum wage or average wage?November 1, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
The economic impact of global change on fishing and non-fishing households in the Tonle Sap ecosystem, Pursat, Cambodia, October 23, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur teh-lsl
Indicators of marine ecosystem integrity for Canada’s Pacific: An expert-based hierarchical approachOctober 23, 2018pacific publicationsokey-t
Incorporate Indigenous perspectives for impactful research and effective management.October 22, 2018pacific publicationsban-nc
Optimizing marine spatial plans with animal tracking data.October 18, 2018law-and-policy publicationsengler-c
Potential impacts of finfish aquaculture on eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds and possible monitoring metrics for management: a case study in Atlantic Canada, October 16, 2018atlantic publicationslotze-hk milewski-i
The Antarctic: connecting the dots. The Arctic: giving back. The Himalayas: feeling the mythOctober 16, 2018arctic publicationstaylor-drf
Enhancing climate change research with open scienceOctober 12, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationstai-tc
Women’s perspectives of small-scale fisheries and environmental change in Chilika lagoon, IndiaSeptember 18, 2018atlantic publicationsarmitage-d
Shared stocks and fisheries subsidies disciplines: definitions, catches, and revenues.September 15, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Environmental governance: A practical framework to guide design, evaluation, and analysisSeptember 13, 2018pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Untangling a Gordian Knot that must not be cut: Social-ecological systems research for management of Southern Benguela fisheriesSeptember 13, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsommer-r
Projected amplification of food web bioaccumulation of MeHg and PCBs under climate change in the Northeastern Pacific, , , September 12, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsalava-jj cheung-wwl cisneros-montemayor-a sumaila-ur
Achieving the promise of integration in social-ecological research: a review and prospectusSeptember 11, 2018pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Opportunities for climate‐risk reduction through effective fisheries managementAugust 23, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Realizing the transformative potential of conservation through the social sciences, arts and humanitiesAugust 14, 2018pacific publicationsbennett-nj
The dark side of transformation: Latent risks in contemporary sustainability discourse, , , July 25, 2018pacific publicationsarmitage-d bennett-nj blythe-j silver-j
Governance of the Arctic Ocean beyond national jurisdiction: cooperative currents, restless sea.July 17, 2018law-and-policy publicationsvanderzwaag-d
A fuzzy logic expert system for evaluating policy progress towards sustainability goals., July 6, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl cisneros-montemayor-a
Global estimation of areas with suitable environmental conditions for mariculture speciesJuly 6, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Historical baselines of coral cover on tropical reefs as estimated by expert opinion.July 6, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
The future of fishes and fisheries in the changing oceansJuly 6, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Integrating diverse objectives for sustainable fisheries in Canada, July 6, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationspinkerton-e sumaila-ur
The economics of fishing the high seasJuly 6, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Why less complexity produces better forecasts: an independent data evaluation of kelp habitat models, , July 2, 2018pacific publicationschan-kma gregr-e palacios-abrantes-j
Sea-cage aquaculture impacts market and berried lobster (Homarus americanus) catches, , , June 28, 2018atlantic publicationslotze-hk loucks-rh milewski-i smith-r
Management and enforcement challenges for highly migratory species: the case of Atlantic bluefin tuna.June 27, 2018law-and-policy publicationssaunders-p
Visions for nature and nature’s contributions to people for the 21st century.June 27, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Subsidies reduce marine fisheries wealth.June 27, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
A simple application of bioeconomics to fisheries subsidies., June 27, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsschuhbauer-a sumaila-ur
Searching for a compromise between biological and economic demands to protect vulnerable habitats.June 27, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Preparing ocean governance for species on the move.June 27, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Curiosity, interdisciplinarity, and giving back.June 27, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsommer-r
Climate change impacts on marine biodiversity, fisheries and society in the Arabian Gulf., , June 27, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl lam-vwy teh-lcl
Can we meet the Target? Status and future trends for fisheries sustainability., , June 27, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur teh-lsl
Assessing real progress towards effective ocean protection.June 27, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Navigating a just and inclusive path towards sustainable oceans.June 27, 2018pacific publicationsbennett-nj
How just and just how? A systematic review of social equity in conservation research.June 27, 2018pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Diving back in time: extending historical baselines for Yelloweye rockfish with Indigenous knowledge.June 27, 2018pacific publicationsban-nc
Assessing trade-offs in large marine protected areas., June 27, 2018pacific publicationsban-nc epstein-g
Assessing Guinea Bissau’s legal and illegal unreported and unregulated fisheries and the surveillance efforts to tackle them.June 27, 2018pacific publicationsbelhabib-d
Addressing criticisms of large-scale Marine Protected Areas.June 27, 2018pacific publicationsban-nc
A protocol for the intercomparison of marine fishery and ecosystem models: Fish-MIP v1.0, April 13, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl lotze-hk
Doubly lucky: economic impact of the English Bay bunker oil spill of April 2015.March 22, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsmiller-d
Climate change, marine ecosystems and global fisheries., March 21, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur
Estimating nitrogen loading and far-field dispersal potential from background sources and coastal finfish aquaculture: a simple framework and case study in Atlantic Canada., , , March 21, 2018atlantic publicationsloucks-r mciver-r milewski-i smith-r
Can ecosystem services make conservation normal and commonplace?, March 20, 2018pacific publicationschan-kma olmsted-p
Regional variability in the sensitivity of Caribbean reef fish assemblages to ocean warming., March 12, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl lam-vwy
Who brings in the fish? The relative contribution of small-scale and industrial fisheries to food security in Southeast Asia.February 22, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsteh-lcl
Identification of native and non-native grass shrimps Palaemon spp. (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) by citizen science monitoring programs in Atlantic Canada., February 15, 2018atlantic publicationscourtenay-sc kidd-ja
Investments to reverse biodiversity loss are economically beneficialFebruary 13, 2018national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Environmental stewardship: a conceptual review and analytical framework., January 31, 2018pacific publicationsbennett-nj pittman-j
Ex-vessel fish price database: disaggregating prices for low-priced species from reduction fisheries., , , November 30, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscashion-t lam-vwy sumaila-ur tai-t
Indigenous peoples’ rights and marine protected areas.November 6, 2017pacific publicationsban-nc
Coastal and Indigenous community access to marine resources and the ocean: a policy imperative for Canada., , , , , , , , , , November 6, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios pacific publicationsbailey-m ban-nc bennett-nj brueckner-irwin-i charles-a eger-s gregr-e harper-s kaplan-hallam-m pinkerton-e sumaila-ur
Human dimensions of large-scale marine protected areas: advancing research and practice.October 31, 2017pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Indigenous knowledge as data for modern fishery management: a case study of Dungeness crab in Pacific CanadaOctober 31, 2017pacific publicationsban-nc
Building resilient coastal communities in the context of climate change., October 30, 2017atlantic publicationsarmitage-d charles-a
Adaptive capacity: from assessment to action in coastal social-ecological systems., October 24, 2017pacific publicationsbennett-nj kaplan-hallam-m
An approach to assess learning conditions, effects and outcomes in environmental governance.October 19, 2017atlantic publicationsarmitage-d
Determining the degree of ‘small-scaleness’ using fisheries in British Columbia as an example., October 18, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsgibson-d sumaila-ur
When bad gets worse: corruption and fisheries.October 13, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Exploring trade-offs in climate change response in the context of Pacific Island fisheries.October 9, 2017pacific publicationsbennett-nj
How can climate predictions improve sustainability of coastal fisheries in Pacific Small-Island Developing States?October 8, 2017pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Massive Chinese fleet jeopardizes threatened shark species around the Galápagos Marine Reserve and waters off Ecuador: implications for national and international fisheries policy. (Editorial)September 29, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsalava-jj
Using fuzzy logic to determine the vulnerability of marine species to climate change.September 26, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
How do environmental governance processes shape evaluation of outcomes by stakeholders? A causal pathways approach.September 25, 2017atlantic publicationsarmitage-d
Small-scale fisheries and subsidies disciplines: definitions, catches, revenues, and subsidies.September 22, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Does trade openness reduce a domestic fisheries catch?September 15, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Reconstructing overfishing: moving beyond Malthus for effective and equitable solutions.September 13, 2017pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Envisioning the future of aquatic animal tracking: Technology, science, and applicationSeptember 13, 2017law-and-policy publicationsvanderzwaag-d
Future marine ecosystem drivers, biodiversity, and fisheries maximum catch potential in Pacific Island countries and territories under climate change.September 13, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Why people matter in ocean governance: incorporating human dimensions into large-scale marine protected areas., September 4, 2017pacific publicationsban-nc bennett-nj
“What about the salmon?”: a critical analysis of the Pacific Northwest LNG project in British Columbia.September 1, 2017knowledge-mobilization publicationsbeattie-h
Equity trade-offs in conservation decision making.September 1, 2017pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Large marine protected areas represent biodiversity now and under climate change.August 29, 2017pacific publicationsban-nc
Sound physiological knowledge and principles in modeling shrinking of fishes under climate change.August 21, 2017changing-oceans national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Global change in the trophic functioning of marine food webs.August 11, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Adaptation strategies to climate change in marine systems, , , , July 20, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl cisneros-montemayor-a miller-d ota-y sumaila-ur
Fukushima-derived radioactivity measurements in Pacific salmon and soil samples collected in British Columbia, CanadaJuly 18, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsalava-jj
From shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) to oceanic system pathways (OSPs): building policy-relevant scenarios for global oceanic ecosystems and fisheries.July 12, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Global mismatch between fishing dependency and larval supply from marine reserves.July 10, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Coral reefs management and decision making tools.June 27, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
The big role of coastal communities and small-scale fishers in ocean conservation.June 26, 2017atlantic publicationscharles-a
Canada-U.S. fisheries management in the Gulf of Maine: taking stock and charting future coordinates in the face of climate change., June 21, 2017law-and-policy publicationsbailey-m vanderzwaag-d
The impact of coastal grabbing on community conservation – a global reconnaissance., , June 14, 2017arctic publicationsberkes-f charles-a doubleday-n
Conservation actions at global and local scales in marine social-ecological systems: status, gaps, and ways forward., June 12, 2017pacific publicationsban-nc whitney-ck
War, fish, and foreign fleets: the marine fisheries catches of Sierra Leone 1950–2015., June 9, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbelhabib-d harper-s
A rapid assessment of co-benefits and trade-offs among Sustainable Development Goals., , , June 5, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl cisneros-montemayor-a ota-y sumaila-ur
Conservation and the right to fish: International conservation NGOs and the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries.June 3, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Committing to socially responsible seafood., , , June 2, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbennett-nj cisneros-montemayor-a ota-y teh-lcl
Catching sea cucumber fever in coastal communities: conceptualizing the impacts of shocks versus trends for social-ecological systems., May 25, 2017pacific publicationsbennett-nj kaplan-hallam-m
Mitigating cetacean bycatch in coastal Ecuador: governance challenges for small-scale fisheries.May 24, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsalava-jj
Impacts of climate change on marine and inland fishes and fisheries. (Editorial)May 20, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Adaptive capacity: from assessment to action in coastal social-ecological systems., , , , , , May 19, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsarmitage-d ban-nc bennett-nj blythe-j cheung-wwl kaplan-hallam-m whitney-ck
How subsidies affect the economic viability of small-scale fisheries., , , May 18, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl chuenpagdee-r schuhbauer-a sumaila-ur
Solutions to blue carbon emissions: shrimp cultivation, mangrove deforestation and climate change in coastal Bangladesh.May 11, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Global seafood trade flows and developing economies: insights from linking trade and production., May 9, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationslam-vwy sumaila-ur
A social-ecological systems approach to assessing conservation and fisheries outcomes in Fijian locally managed marine areas., May 8, 2017pacific publicationsban-nc epstein-g
Marine reserves can mitigate and promote adaptation to climate change.May 8, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Governing the coastal commons: communities, resilience and transformations., , , May 2, 2017atlantic publicationsarmitage-d berkes-f blythe-j charles-a
Fisheries and the world.April 26, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Towards the economic viability of local seafood programs: Key features for the financial performance of community supported fisheriesApril 25, 2017pacific publicationswitter-a
Tropical pinnipeds: bio-ecology, threats and conservation.April 25, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsalava-jj
Linking ecosystem processes to communities of practice through commercially fished species in the Gulf of Alaska.April 20, 2017pacific publicationsban-nc
Arctic. Yearbook of International Environmental Law.March 24, 2017law-and-policy publicationsvanderzwaag-d
Catching Ripples in the Water Workshop Summary, , , March 2, 2017atlantic publicationsban-nc cheung-wwl chuenpagdee-r vanderzwaag-d
How does network governance affect social-ecological fit across the land–sea interface? An empirical assessment from the Lesser Antilles., February 20, 2017atlantic publicationsarmitage-d pittman-j
Diagnosing adaptive comanagement across multiple cases.February 20, 2017atlantic publicationsarmitage-d
Effectiveness of shore-based remote camera monitoring for quantifying recreational fisher compliance in marine conservation areas.February 17, 2017pacific publicationsban-nc
Climate change-contaminant interactions in marine food webs: towards a conceptual framework., , February 17, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsalava-jj cheung-wwl sumaila-ur
Contributions by women to fisheries economies: insights from five maritime countries, February 16, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsharper-s sumaila-ur
Social and ecological effectiveness of large marine protected areas., February 12, 2017pacific publicationsban-nc epstein-g
Economic challenges to the generalization of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture: an empirical comparative study on kelp monoculture and kelp-mollusk polyculture in Weihai, China., February 9, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationslam-vwy sumaila-ur
Legal and ethical issues around incorporating traditional knowledge in polar data infrastructures.February 3, 2017arctic publicationstaylor-drf
An appeal for a code of conduct for marine conservation., , , February 1, 2017pacific publicationsbennett-nj kaplan-hallam-m ota-y teh-lsl
Trade and sustainable fisheries.February 1, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
On governance in fisheries in Senegal: from top-down control to co-management., February 1, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbailey-m sumaila-ur
Reconciling fisheries catch and ocean productivity.January 23, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Pipelines imperil Canada’s ecosystem.January 13, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsalava-jj
Having it all: can fisheries buybacks achieve capacity, economic, ecological, and social objectives?, January 11, 2017national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur teh-lsl
Impact of high seas closure on food security in low income fish dependent countries., , , , , December 29, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl lam-vwy miller-d sumaila-ur teh-lcl teh-lsl
Corporate concentration and processor control: insights from the salmon and herring fisheries in British Columbia.December 29, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Large benefits to marine fisheries of meeting the 1.5°C global warming target.December 23, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Navigating a sea of data: geoinformatics for law enforcement at sea.December 20, 2016law-and-policy publicationssaunders-p
Opportunity for marine fisheries reform in China.December 9, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Transboundary fisheries management in the Amazon: assessing current policies for the management of the ornamental silver arawana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum).December 7, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Searching for market-based sustainability pathways: challenges and opportunities for seafood certification programs in Japan., December 6, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsota-y sumaila-ur
Cumulative effects of environmental change on culturally significant ecosystems in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.December 1, 2016pacific publicationsban-nc
Overcoming principal-agent problems to improve cooperative governance of internationally shared fisheries., December 1, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbailey-m sumaila-ur
Conservation social science: understanding and integrating human dimensions to improve conservation., , November 29, 2016pacific publicationsbennett-nj chan-kma epstein-g
Scenarios for investigating the future of Canada’s oceans and marine fisheries under environmental and socioeconomic change., , November 28, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur teh-lsl
Scenarios for investigating the future of Canada’s oceans and marine fisheries under environmental and socioeconomic change., , November 28, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur teh-lsl
Place-based or sector-based adaptation? A case study of municipal and fishery policy integration., November 26, 2016atlantic publicationsarmitage-d charles-a
Hegemony and resistance: disturbing patterns and hopeful signs in the impact of neoliberal policies on small-scale fisheries around the world.November 11, 2016pacific publicationspinkerton-e
Spatial differentiation of marine eutrophication damage indicators based on species density.October 29, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Strategies for assertion of conservation and local management rights: A Haida Gwaii herring story, October 19, 2016pacific publicationsjones-r pinkerton-e
Aquaculture law and policy: global, regional and national perspectives.September 28, 2016law-and-policy publicationsvanderzwaag-d
What is at stake? Status and threats to South China Sea marine fisheries., , , September 23, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur teh-lsl witter-a
Participation and resistance: alternative seafood marketing in a neoliberal era.September 19, 2016pacific publicationswitter-a
Participation and resistance: alternative seafood marketing in a neoliberal era.September 19, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationswitter-a
Estimating the ecological, economic and social impacts of ocean acidification and warming on UK fisheries.September 19, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Projected change in global fisheries revenues under climate change., , September 7, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl lam-vwy sumaila-ur
Building towards the marine conservation end-game: consolidating the role of MPAs in a future ocean.September 6, 2016pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Transform high seas management to build climate resilience in marine seafood supply., , , , , August 30, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl lam-vwy miller-d ota-y sumaila-ur teh-lsl
Identifying potential marine climate change refugia: A case study in Canada’s Pacific marine ecosystemsAugust 24, 2016pacific publicationsban-nc
American eel: a symposium. Session Six.August 9, 2016law-and-policy publicationsvanderzwaag-d
American eel: a symposium. Session Two.August 9, 2016law-and-policy publicationsvanderzwaag-d
American eel: a symposium. Introduction.August 9, 2016law-and-policy publicationsvanderzwaag-d
The continued importance of the hunter for future Inuit food security., July 1, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationshoover-c ostertag-s
A proposal: an open licensing scheme for traditional knowledge.July 1, 2016arctic publicationstaylor-drf
Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation., , June 23, 2016pacific publicationsbennett-nj chan-kma epstein-g
Governance across the land-sea interface: a systematic review.June 17, 2016atlantic publicationsarmitage-d
Towards an integrated database on Canadian ocean resources: benefits, current states, and research gaps., , , , , , June 16, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbailey-m cheung-wwl cisneros-montemayor-a hoover-c steiner-n sumaila-ur teh-lsl
Oceans, fisheries and the trade system.May 17, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Synthesizing theories of natural resource management and governance., May 4, 2016pacific publicationsban-nc epstein-g
Imprecise and weakly assessed: evaluating voluntary measures for management of marine protected areas, April 19, 2016pacific publicationsban-nc whitney-ck
Observed and projected impacts of climate change on marine fisheries, aquaculture, coastal tourism, and human health: an update., April 19, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur
Marine species at risk protection in Australia and Canada: paper promises, paltry progressions.April 18, 2016law-and-policy publicationssaunders-p
The relationship of social capital and fishers’ participation in multi-level governance arrangements.April 8, 2016atlantic publicationsepstein-g
Sustainability of Canadian fisheries requires bold political leadership.April 8, 2016law-and-policy publicationsvanderzwaag-d
Politics, science, and species protection law: a comparative consideration of southern and Atlantic bluefin tuna.April 4, 2016law-and-policy publicationssaunders-p
Data from: Towards an integrated database on Canadian ocean resources: benefits, current states, and research gaps., , , , , , March 21, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbailey-m cheung-wwl cisneros-montemayor-a hoover-c steiner-n sumaila-ur teh-lsl
Spring conditions and habitat use of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) during arrival to the Mackenzie River Estuary.February 12, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationshoover-c
Global fisheries subsidies: an updated estimate., January 29, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationslam-vwy sumaila-ur
Using perceptions as evidence to improve conservation and environmental management.January 23, 2016pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Fishing for the future: an overview of challenges and opportunities.January 21, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Building confidence in projections of the responses of living marine resources to climate change.January 13, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Projected scenarios for coastal First Nations’ fisheries catch potential under climate change: Management challenges and opportunities, January 13, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl ota-y
Trade policy options for sustainable oceans and fisheries.January 1, 2016national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Global trade in fish and fishery products: an overview.December 29, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Taking stock and projecting the future of South China Sea fisheries., , , December 21, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur teh-lsl witter-a
Interplay of multiple goods, ecosystem services, and property rights in large social-ecological marine protected areas.December 20, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Uncertainties in projecting climate change impacts in marine ecosystems.December 17, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl
Bioeconomics of ocean acidification effects on fisheries targeting calcifier species: A decision theory approachDecember 14, 2015atlantic publicationscharles-a
Identifying best practices in fisheries monitoring and stewardship training for First Nations youthDecember 7, 2015pacific publicationsmilko-h
Linking classroom learning and research to advance ideas about social-ecological resilience.December 4, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Boom or bust: the future of fish in the South China Sea., November 5, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur
Developing Northern research in Arctic information management.November 1, 2015arctic publicationstaylor-drf
Canada at a crossroad: the imperative for realigning ocean policy with ocean science., , , , , , , October 23, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationsbailey-m ban-nc charles-a cheung-wwl cisneros-montemayor-a hoover-c sumaila-ur teh-lsl
The role of aboriginal peoples in protected areas.October 15, 2015pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Community-based scenario planning: a process for vulnerability analysis and adaptation planning to social–ecological change in coastal communitiesSeptember 3, 2015pacific publicationsbennett-nj
Communities and change in the anthropocene: understanding social-ecological vulnerability and planning adaptations to multiple interacting exposures, , August 4, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc bennett-nj blythe-j
Out of stock: the impact of climate change on British Columbia’s staple seafood supply and prices., July 16, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationslam-vwy sumaila-ur
A framework for understanding climate change impacts on coral reef social–ecological systems.July 5, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Cumulative effects of planned industrial development and climate change on marine ecosystemsJune 24, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Trends in global shared fisheries., June 18, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur teh-lsl
Economics of marine conservation.June 18, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Economic incentives and overfishing: a bioeconomic vulnerability index., June 18, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl sumaila-ur
Eco²: a simple index of economic-ecological deficits., , June 18, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscisneros-montemayor-a lam-vwy sumaila-ur
Adaptive governance to promote ecosystem services in urban green spaces.June 16, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios.June 3, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssumaila-ur
Advancing marine cumulative effects mapping: An update in Canada’s Pacific watersMay 15, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Secure sustainable seafood from developing countries.May 1, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Efficient and equitable design of marine protected areas in Fiji through inclusion of stakeholder-specific objectives in conservation planning.April 27, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Participation in devolved commons management: Multiscale socioeconomic factors related to individuals’ participation in community-based management of marine protected areas in IndonesiaApril 21, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Managing small-scale commercial fisheries for adaptive capacity: insights from dynamic social-ecological drivers of change in Monterey BayMarch 19, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Observed trends and climate projections affecting marine ecosystems in the Canadian Arctic.March 13, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationssteiner-n
Understanding protected area resilience: a multi-scale, social-ecological approach., March 1, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc epstein-g
Winners and losers in a world where the high seas is closed to fishing., , , , February 12, 2015national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl lam-vwy miller-d sumaila-ur teh-lsl
Pacific Canada’s Rockfish Conservation Areas: using Ostrom’s design principles to assess management effectivenessJanuary 9, 2015pacific publicationsban-nc
Renewable ocean energy and the international law and policy seascape: global currents, regional surges.January 1, 2015law-and-policy publicationsvanderzwaag-d
Projecting future changes in distributions of pelagic fish species of Northeast Pacific shelf seas., September 18, 2014national-data-and-integrated-scenarios publicationscheung-wwl okey-t