OceanCanada Atlas
How to Use This Atlas
The OceanCanada Atlas is an interactive map of hundreds of points of interest related to the OceanCanada Partnership. It is divided into multiple sections and maps.
These include:
- Primary OceanCanada Maps
- OceanCanada Overview/Points of Interes
- Highly Qualified Personnel
- Working Groups
- Regional Working Groups
- Arctic Map
- Atlantic Map
- Pacific Map
- National Working Group Maps
- National Data and Integrated Scenarios Map
- Law and Policy Map
- Knowledge Mobilization Map
- Regional Working Groups
- Publications Map
- Presentations Map
- Video & Interactive Media Map
- Archive & Related Maps
- Living Oceans Map
- Historical HQP Map
- Climate Atlas
- LEO Network
- Arctic Atlas (GCRC)
Select a map from the list or from the horizontal navigation bar on any atlas page.
When the atlas page first opens, the view is from high above the ground, with the majority of the points of interest are clustered together. The further in you zoom, the more names the clusters open up, allowing you to see individual points. All points displayed on the map are also displayed on the information side-bar on the right. You can click on any title to take you to that point.
Moving around the map.
To zoom in and out, you can use the plus and minus signs at the top left of the map. You can also hold down your Ctrl key and scroll with your mouse. If you are viewing on a tablet, the map supports multi-touch gestures.
Moving around the map (panning)
To pan, click with your mouse and drag the screen. You can also grab and ‘throw’ the screen to move quickly in one direction. To return to the map’s starting position, click the “Home” icon.
Points of Interest
On most maps, markers are separated into categories. These categories can be viewed in the bottom left of the screen. The colours of the markers indicate the category. To remove some of the categories from the map, simply check the box next to the category. You can click “all” or “none” to add or remove all markers in a single click.
When you hover your mouse pointer over a marker for a moment, a small popup will appear indicating the name of the marker.
You can click the marker itself on the map, or you can click from the list of markers on the right of the screen. Clicking the name of the marker will zoom you to that marker and open a popup.
Search for any item using the search box in the upper right. In this box, you can enter the name or any text in the search box at the top right of the screen. Press Enter after you have added the search term, and a list of points of interest will appear (assuming they exist) in response to your search. Click the name in the list, or on the map. Delete the search phrase and hit enter to re-populate the list of markers.
Order the markers using a range of criteria, including: Name, Address, Distance from you, etc.
Beneath the category list on the left is a list of layers you can apply to the map. Street view, Satellite, Terrain, etc. Select a layer to display the map using this style.
What is this?
The OceanCanada Atlas is an interactive map of hundreds of points of interest related to the OceanCanada Partnership. It is intended to display the scope and impact of the partnership’s activities.
What is the atlas running on?
The atlas uses Leaflet.js, JQuery, PHPExcel, OpenStreetMaps and Google Maps. Geocoding is done via Google’s geocoding API.
How do I use data from these maps?
See Data & Export section.
I’m part of OceanCanada and I have something to add to the Atlas.
Contact Duncan Burnside to add content.
Data & Export
Data & Export
Other Maps
Other Maps