End the cruel shark fin trade in Canada

This article was originally posted at oceana.org. View it here.

Every year, up to 73 million sharks end up in the global fin trade, many of which are endangered species. Shark finning is illegal in Canadian waters, yet Canada is currently the largest importer of shark fins outside of Asia. As an apex predator, sharks are essential to healthy ecosystems.

Your help is urgently needed to end the cruel and inhumane practice of shark finning. Please use this form to contact your local Member of Parliament (MP) and ask them to support the passage of Bill S-238, which will put a stop to the importation and exportation of shark fins in Canada.

Bill S-238 is being voted on this month in the House of Commons. The Bill is in the final stages before becoming law, having already passed the Senate last fall.

Sharks need YOUR help. Please speak up in support of sharks and demand a #FinBanNow.

Use the form provided at oceana.org to create an email to send to your local MP.

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