june, 2020
Event Details
Call for Early Abstracts! (IIFET Link) Early abstract submission is open until 10 Dec! There are over 40 themes and special sessions to choose from! The
Event Details
Call for Early Abstracts! (IIFET Link)
Early abstract submission is open until 10 Dec! There are over 40 themes and special sessions to choose from!
The early abstract submission period is mainly intended for those who need an acceptance decision soon in order to apply for travel support from the conference organizers or other sources and who need more time to secure a visa to Spain. Authors who do not require an early decision may submit and abstract during the regular abstract submission period which will open 11 Dec 2019 and close 1 February 2020.
If you are from AND reside in a developing country and wish to apply for travel support from the conference organizers (or other funding sources with early deadlines), please submit your abstract during the early abstract submission period. We are seeking developing country support funds but the number of travel grants we can offer is limited, so please expand your search for support to other agencies. The quality of abstracts will be a primary determinant in our competitive selection process. We prioritize support to citizens and residents of Low-Income and Lower-Middle-Income countries and, in some situations, can provide more limited support to Upper-Middle-Income country participants. Visit the World Bank site to find lists of countries in these categories.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Go here to submit your abstract.
- If you have already created a profile, choose “Returning user”. Enter your email address and password to access your account. If you have forgotten your password, click “Reset Password” and an email will be sent to you with instructions to reset your password.
- If you are a first-time user, select “Click Here to Create a Profile” and fill in the respective fields. Once done, you can submit your abstract(s). You will also receive a confirmation email with your password. You may update your password at any time by clicking on “Update Profile”.
- Complete all mandatory sections of the Abstract Submission Form.
- If you are a citizen of a developing country AND a current resident of a developing country, you may qualify to receive financial assistance.
And don’t forget about these Important Dates!
18 OCT 2019: Deadline for Special Session submissions
7 NOV 2019: Notification of acceptance of special sessions
10 DEC 2019: Deadline for Early Abstracts
15 JAN 2020: Notification of acceptance of early abstracts
1 FEB 2020: Deadline for Abstract submissions
5 MAR 2020: Notification of acceptance of abstracts
1 MAY 2020: Deadline for Presenter Registration
15 MAY 2020: Deadline for Early Registration
15 JUN 2020: Deadline for Regular Registration
27 JUN 2020: Deadline for Late Registration
June 29 (Monday) - July 3 (Friday)