august, 2020

17augAll Day21IMBeR ClimEco7 Summer SchoolInterdisciplinary ocean science for sustainable development goals


Event Details

Join us this summer for IMBeR ClimEco7 Summer School – Interdisciplinary ocean science for sustainable development goals


August 17 – 21, 2020


Vancouver, BC, Canada

ClimEco7 is the seventh in a series of “Climate and Ecosystems” biennial summer schools organised by IMBeR, the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research project. ClimEco summer schools are designed for 60-70 post-graduate students and early career researchers and are led by an interdisciplinary group of scientists which includes leaders in their respective fields.

How to Apply

Submit the Application Form plus a short CV (in English, 2 pages max) before March 9, 2020.

Participants will be selected on their research interests and motivation for attending.

This event is being co-hosted by the IOF’s Changing Ocean Research Unit (CORU) and Fishery Economic Research Unit (FERU).



august 17 (Monday) - 21 (Friday) PST


Vancouver, Canada