november, 2018

02nov11:00 amIOF Seminar21st Century Fisheries Management on Canada’s Pacific Coast.


Event Details

What does marine fisheries management in BC really entail these days? The list of legal and policy requirements that must be considered in fisheries decision making has grown substantially in the last 10-15 years. This presentation will discuss how DFO’s fisheries management work and mandate have evolved over that time period, and some of the challenges we face as a result, with a focus on the relationship between science and management in responding to these changes. The presentation will provide examples of work underway to address these challenges and identify some of the outstanding gaps in our ability to fulfill the breadth of our requirements and highlight some of the key areas of expertise and skill sets critical for fisheries managers and fisheries scientists given all of this context.


Neil Davis
Director of Resource Management, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Dr Robyn Forrest
Section Head of the Quantitative Assessment Methods Section, Pacific Biological station


(Friday) 11:00 am EST


AERL Theatre (120)

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