Management and enforcement challenges for highly migratory species: the case of Atlantic bluefin tuna.

Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT) (Thunnus thynnus) is both an iconic sport fish, with a history of competitive fishing in the Atlantic region (including the largest individual ever caught, in Auld’s Cove, Nova Scotia), and the target of a significant commercial fishery throughout much of its range. The latter is partly driven by the fact that the species is highly valued in the sushi and sashimi markets, but it also has wider markets. The combination of a recreational and large scale industrial fishery is an unusual, if not unique, challenge with respect to the choice of management approaches.

Navigating a sea of data: geoinformatics for law enforcement at sea.

(book chapter in Geoinformatics for Marine and Coastal Management) This book provides a timely and valuable assessment of the current state of the art geoinformatics tools and methods for the management of marine systems. This book focuses on the cutting-edge coverage of a wide spectrum of activities and topics such as GIS-based application of drainage basin analysis, contribution of ontology to marine management, geoinformatics in relation to fisheries management, hydrography, indigenous knowledge systems, and marine law enforcement. The authors present a comprehensive overview of the field of Geoinformatic Applications in Marine Management covering key issues and debates with specific case studies illustrating real-world applications of the GIS technology. This “box of tools” serves as a long-term resource for coastal zone managers, professionals, practitioners, and students alike on the management of oceans and the coastal fringe, promoting the approach of allowing sustainable and integrated use of oceans to maximize opportunities while keeping risks and hazards to a minimum.

Marine species at risk protection in Australia and Canada: paper promises, paltry progressions.

This article compares the law and policy frameworks for protecting marine species at risk in Australia and Canada. The sea of practical challenges is examined, including achieving listing of threatened commercial species; attaining timely and effective recovery planning; and identifying and protecting critical habitats.

Politics, science, and species protection law: a comparative consideration of southern and Atlantic bluefin tuna.

The southern and Atlantic bluefin tunas are highly valuable and heavily fished, such that there are concerns over the biomass of each species. While sharing some similarities, the species are managed in different geographical, political, and socioeconomic contexts. This article examines the complexities of managing these highly migratory species, recognizing that developments in science, most notably in ocean tracking, have a significant potential to improve management. Notwithstanding such developments, the critical element in management of bluefin tuna species remains political commitments to sustainable catches.