Sarah Harper wins Sumaila-Volvo Graduate Prize

Originally posted at UBC Oceans.

IOF and IRES student Sarah Harper has won the inaugural Sumaila-Volvo Graduate Prize in Environmental Sustainability.

This prize was been made available through an endowment established by Dr. Rashid Sumaila, upon being named the 2017 Volvo Environment Prize laureate. The prize is for a Master’s or Ph.D. student whose peer-reviewed publications to date are expected to have the most significant impact on the field of environmental sustainability. Preference is given to students supervised by faculty members who are affiliated with the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries; the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability; or the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs.

“I am absolutely thrilled to have been chosen for this award and to be recognized for my contributions towards more equitable and sustainable fisheries for all.”

Harper’s doctoral research, which highlights the contributions by women in fisheries economies globally, has the potential to influence the science, policies and programmes worldwide that aim to promote sustainability and equity in fisheries. She has 20 peer-reviewed publications on various topics related to gender, fisheries and economics, and her publications have been cited over 800 times according to Google Scholar (as of April 2019).

Harper, who recently defended her RES doctoral dissertation, said, “I am absolutely thrilled to have been chosen for this award and to be recognized for my contributions towards more equitable and sustainable fisheries for all.”

Dr. Rashid Sumaila, who established this prize, was jubilant about Dr. Harper’s win. “At the international level, numerous policy instruments have identified gender equality and the empowerment of women as critical to advancing sustainable development. These tools underscore the connection between gender equality and other important societal goals such as poverty reduction, eliminating hunger, and maintaining healthy oceans, including fisheries. Positioned within this policy context, Sarah’s work will continue to have a substantial impact in shaping the dialogue around fisheries sustainability and gender equality.”

Congratulations, Dr. Harper.