Canada and Transboundary Fisheries Management in Changing Oceans: Taking Stock, Future Scenarios

An Ecology & Society Special Feature featuring four papers from OceanCanada members, titled: Canada and Transboundary Fisheries Management in Changing Oceans: Taking Stock, Future Scenarios.

How can climate predictions improve sustainability of coastal fisheries in Pacific Small-Island Developing States?

Climate and weather have profound effects on economies, the food security and livelihoods of communities throughout the Pacific Island region. These effects are particularly important for small-scale fisheries and occur, for example, through changes in sea surface temperature, primary productivity, ocean currents, rainfall patterns, and through cyclones. This variability has impacts over both short and long time scales. We differentiate climate predictions (the actual state of climate at a particular point in time) from climate projections (the average state of climate over long time scales). The ability to predict environmental conditions over the time scale of months to decades will assist governments and coastal communities to reduce the impacts of climatic variability and take advantage of opportunities. We explore the potential to make reliable climate predictions over time scales of six months to 10 years for use by policy makers, managers and communities. We also describe how climate predictions can be used to make decisions on short time scales that should be of direct benefit to sustainable management of small-scale fisheries, and to disaster risk reduction, in Small-Island Developing States in the Pacific.

Oceana Canada Report: Collateral Damage: How to Reduce Bycatch in Canada’s Commercial Fisheries

This article can also be viewed at Oceana Canada New report reveals that the Canadian government is inadequately addressing one of the biggest threats to our oceans Up to 10.3 million tonnes of sea life is unintentionally caught each year around the world, captured in nets, lines and other gear. Some of this is kept […]

Publication: Canada’s Marine Coasts in a Changing Climate

This report takes a landscape approach in examining Canada’s marine coasts. While focus is placed on the shoreline as the interface between land and water, the scope of interest extends landward and oceanward to the degree that those areas affect the sustainability and well-being of coastal communities and ecosystems. Click here or the image below […]

New Research: Climate change could cut First Nations fisheries’ catch in half

Media Release | January 13, 2016 First Nations fisheries’ catch could decline by nearly 50 per cent by 2050, according to a new study examining the threat of climate change to the food and economic security of indigenous communities along coastal British Columbia, Canada. “Climate change is likely to lead to declines in herring and […]

New Research: Dr. Dana Miller and Dr. Rashid Sumaila Release Working Paper on Economic Impacts of the English Bay Oil Spill

Dr. Dana Miller, postdoctoral researcher at the University of British Columbia, and OceanCanada Director Dr. Rashid Sumaila have released a working paper examining the impact of the recent oil spill in Vancouver’s English Bay. The paper presents an estimation of the economic impacts of this oil spill on Metro Vancouver’s marine-related economic activities, including commercial […]