Video Lecture: V2V Partnership – Trade in seafood and its impacts on the livelihoods & food security in developing Countries

Dr. Rashid Sumaila gave a public lecture on Friday, 29 January 2021,


One can categorize seafood trade into three buckets:

  1. legitimate trade via the market (imports and exports).;
  2. legitimate trade on the water via access agreements; and
  3. illicit trade of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) caught fish.

Each of these different ways of trading seafood has economic (e.g., foreign exchange earnings); equity and social impacts (e.g., loss of incomes and livelihoods of local fishing communities; and increase in food insecurity (e.g., developing countries exporting high-quality nutrient-rich fish and importing low-quality fish for local consumption).

This talk, will summarize and synthesise the existing literature on each of these categories of trade in seafood, the resulting flow of trade, and provide insights on trade impacts, positively or negatively, on the livelihoods and food security of people living in developing countries.

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