WEBINAR: Charting a sustainable future for oceans in Canada

Celebrating the release of Sea Change September 18, 2024 11:00 am – 12:30 pm PT Anthropogenic issues – climate change, resource overexploitation, and pollution – have left visible marks on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans which border Canada. These changes will affect the ecosystems, economies, and people who live along these coasts and are […]

Rashid Sumaila wins RSC’s Miroslaw Romanowski Medal for scientific work relating to environmental problems

Dr. Rashid Sumaila, OceanCanada Scientific Director and University Killam professor in UBC Science’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, as well as the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs in the Faculty of Arts, has won the Royal Society of Canada (RSC)’s Miroslaw Romanowski Medal for scientific work relating to environmental problems. “This is […]

Dr. Rashid Sumaila wins SSHRC’s Impact Award, Partnership Category

Dr. Rashid Sumaila, University Killam Professor in UBC Science’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, as well as the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs in the Faculty of Arts, has won the 2021 Impact Award – Partnership category, from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Prof. Sumaila is one of the […]

Rapidly changing Arctic fisheries potential requires comprehensive management

The migration of fish due to unmitigated climate change could net fisheries in the Arctic 37 times more fish than current annual catch amounts by the end of the century, a new study from the University of British Columbia has found. But, the researchers warn, any future commercial fisheries must ensure species and ecosystem sustainability and consider the food security implications for local communities.

Rashid Sumaila named Fellow of Royal Society of Canada

Dr. Rashid Sumaila is one of seven UBC faculty members who have been named as Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC). The fellowship of the RSC comprises over 2000 Canadian scholars, artists, and scientists, peer-elected as the best in their field. These are distinguished men and women from all branches of learning who […]

Sarah Harper wins Sumaila-Volvo Graduate Prize

Originally posted at UBC Oceans. IOF and IRES student Sarah Harper has won the inaugural Sumaila-Volvo Graduate Prize in Environmental Sustainability. This prize was been made available through an endowment established by Dr. Rashid Sumaila, upon being named the 2017 Volvo Environment Prize laureate. The prize is for a Master’s or Ph.D. student whose peer-reviewed […]

Achieving Paris climate target could net additional billions in fisheries revenue

Article originally posted at news.ubc.ca. View abstract at OceanCanada.org. View study. Achieving the Paris Agreement global warming target could protect millions of tonnes in annual worldwide fisheries catch, as well as billions of dollars of annual revenues for fishers, workers’ income and household seafood expenditures, according to new research from the University of British Columbia. […]

Ocean Wise & CORU: 2018 Ocean Awards

Ocean Wise & the Coastal Ocean Research Institute are pleased to invite nominations for the 2018 Ocean Awards Recipients are honoured for their invaluable contributions to understanding, conserving, and communicating the diverse and irreplaceable aquatic ecosystems of western Canada and the species that inhabit them. We are seeking nominations for the following awards: Murray A. Newman […]

Rashid Sumaila: Winner of the 2017 Volvo Environment Prize

Professor Rashid Sumaila is one of the world’s most innovative researchers on the future of the oceans, integrating the social and economic dimensions with ecology, law, fisheries science and traditional knowledge to build novel pathways towards sustainable fisheries. His work has challenged today’s approaches to marine governance and generated exciting new ways of thinking about […]